Friday, August 31, 2007

friday's feast

Who is the easiest person for you to talk to?

well, if you make me stick to a human being it would be my wife. if you don't limit it to that i would say it was God.


If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?

it would have to be spain.

What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?

the birth of both of our children.

Main Course
If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt?

i would shave my head and fast to raise money to help feed the people in the world who go hungry every day.

What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?

ideal age... to me it is more about how long to be married before you have kids. i would say that you need to be married at least 5 years before having kids. that way you can travel and do stuff that you can't do after you have kids.

Friday, August 24, 2007

friday's feast 05

Say there’s a book written about your life. Who would you want to narrate the audio version?

robert duvall... just because i think he is a great actor (and i like his voice)! also, because my favorite movie is lonesome dove. my second choice would be tommy lee jones... i like his voice and i like his a acting.

Take the letters from your favorite kind of nut and write a sentence. (Example: Perhaps every avenue needs understanding today.)

alligators like mascara on new days!

If you could go back in time and spend one week in another decade, which decade would you choose?

it would be right after adam and eve got kicked out of the garden, so i could ask them "what were you thinking!?!?!?!" ... my second choice would be back in the wild west, except i would be just a simple rancher/farmer.

Main Course
Name a song that brings back memories for you.

"time after time" by cyndi lauper. one of my first "girlfriends" (her name was rhonda) when i was in junior high said this was our song... i don't like the song but i really, really, really liked her. it was one of those times when you really liked someone and by some miracle of fate she likes you too. it was strange though... we only saw each other at school and talked on the phone. i never got to kiss her and that always pissed me off.

Do you prefer to wash your hands in cold water or warm water?

if i am hot and sweaty then i like cold water... if it is early in the morning or right before i go to bed i like to use warm water. cold refreshes, warm relaxes.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

gay funeral cancelled

here is something interesting that happened recently. apparently there was a funeral going to be held at a texas church, but when it was made public that the man was gay, they cancelled the funeral the day before it was to happen and basically said that you can't have a funeral for a gay person in this church... rev. gary simmons (the pastor of the church) said:

"This decision was not based on hate, or discrimination, but upon principle and policy, We cannot glorify homosexuality as a lifestyle. The Bible does say it's wrong, You wouldn't go to someones house who doesn't smoke and smoke there." (here is the official statement from the church)

so, there are some links at the bottom of this post about this, BUT first i want to ask you a question:

"so, does that mean they wouldn't allow funerals for fat people in their church because gluttony is a sin and a sinful lifestyle and the Bible does say gluttony is wrong?"

oh, and is there a difference between a gay funeral and a straight funeral?

just asking.

what do you think? comment on your thoughts... i am curious.


here is a link to a news story about the cancelled funeral and this is another link from another news source

here is a link that shows some of the family pictures that the church called "in-appropriate"
(i do agree that the "crotch" shot was in-appropriate for a funeral, but it was not a "gay" shot... the two men are brothers, not lovers)

Friday, August 17, 2007

friday's feast 04

Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day?

i don't do laundry... my wonderful wife does it all. the only thing i have to do is iron my clothes when i need to wear them. see her isara blog for the details.

In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old?

truly old....? hmmmmmm... i would say 70.

What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both?

one of my goals is to be debt free as much as possible for my entire life.

another goal is to slowly increase my giving to the church and charities until i can give at least 40% of our income to church and charities.

another one of my goals is to take ginafish on a cruise for our 15th or 20th anniversary.

another goal is to complete an online seminary degree. (we'll see)

Main Course
Name something unbelievable you’ve seen or read lately.

it is unbelievable that of all the food that is made/served/sold in america, 50% of it is thrown away! 50%! so wasteful as a country, what is wrong with us?

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today?

most definitely a 9.999999999999999999...!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

time carried away, now lost

the other day i was driving to the church and i was thinking about my kids. ginafish and i have 2 children, “E” (boy) who will be seven in september and “S” (girl) who will be 5 in december.

i know that over the years i have improved as a father, but i am far from perfect. i was thinking about time lost.

when E was about 4 i was very, very involved with another church (not the one we are at now), i was serving as an elder, youth committee chair and “youth pastor”… (i put that in quotes because this congregation did not have a youth pastor and i thought i could be one and work a 40 hour a week job on top of all of that.)

well, i thought right… i was able to work 40 hours and attend youth meetings every two weeks, teach on sunday nights, and attend/chaperone every single youth event that we had. the only reason that i was able to do all of these things was not because God supernaturally filled me with the Grace to get it all done. it was because i ignored my family. E was at that age where daddy is the greatest person in the world, daddy is the coolest and no matter what me and daddy do together we always have a good time. the problem was: i missed it. i didn’t know that was happening because I was so damn “busy” doing church work… not the Lord’s work, the church’s work… there is a difference.

and now i try hard (i could try harder i admit) to make it up to E, but i can’t. no matter what. i can’t do enough to make up for that. i love my children so much, and i have learned an important lesson from that and will not make the exact same mistake again. i know that God has forgiven me for not being there… he knows i have asked many times… i know that E has forgiven me, i know my wife has forgiven me, but now it is me who won’t forgive, myself that is.

maybe some day E and S will read this blog to see how my life was and to learn more about me and if they do i want to say:

i love you E and i love you S. forgive me for not being the dad i could have been… maybe if you have kids of your own you will understand and not make the same mistake i did.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

one good post, from back in the day

i just want to link to something that "real live preacher" wrote back in 2005. i have been reading his blog since about 2004. this is by far one of my favorite blog entries ever... after you read the specific post that i am referring to then i invite you to read some of his other stuff... enjoy:

this is the link to the specific post called, "martin luther, diet coke and canned soup" (read this first).

this is the link to his main page

but, i would love for you to read the "martin luther" post and leave a comment on how you liked it or if you just want to comment on something else from his blog.

Friday, August 10, 2007

friday's feast 03


What is your favorite kind of pie?

it would have to be a toss up between apple and strawberry.

Name something that made you smile this week.

i was talking to a friend of mine who is a cou
nselor but she was also a pastor for 13 years and we were talking about wether or not i should go to this funeral. in the course of the conversation i said i would like to make my wife go with me... i admitted that i was a big baby and she said, "well make a little trip out of it after the funeral go get something to eat somewhere nice... you know it's a 'funeral date'!" i mean no disrespect to the family or anything, but it was funny calling it a funeral date for my wife and i. funeral date... well if you are not smiling then i guess you had to be there.

What do you do to cool off wh
en the weather is hot and humid?

go swimming or go inside where the air conditioning is, and have a cold beer... corona preferably (but i am not picky, especially if it's free... free beer taste better!).

Main Course
You receive $1,000 in the ma
il with a letter that says you can only use the money to redecorate one room in your home. Which room do you pick, and what do you buy to spruce it up?

well, it would be the kitchen and i would paint the cabinets, new countertops, new back splash, new paint, replace the flooring, and a new stove that was one of those flat tops stoves... you know where the burners are covered... that would be cool.

Dessert Fill in the blank: My family member (can't say which one) says that if you turn your back on God too many times that he will eventually give up on you , but I say God's love is from everlasting to everlasting and his mercy is forever... he never gives up on you even unto death... i am so glad that God is so merciful and so patient because if he wasn't i would be in real trouble, hallelujah! "

Thursday, August 9, 2007

learned (pronounced learn-ed)

i am not a universalist (although some people think i am, but i am not), but it is nice to see some people of the christian faith understand that there are things that we can learn and take from other religions/traditions... also it is nice to see those folks understanding that as human beings we are very complicated spiritually and that God speaks in different ways to different people... i don't know a lot about these folks but i like most of what i have read so far...

click this link to go and see what i am talking about.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

remove your shoes, please

there are some ups and some downs to being a pastor, or said another way, some good, some bad.

as a brand new pastor, only having been serving a congregation for like 3 weeks and getting a call at 6:00 a.m. from a parishioner who says that their 40 something year old daughter just died and they would like you to do the funeral... that is good, you feel honored, but that is bad in the sense that it was your first funeral and you don't know their daughter at all... that can be stressful. also, getting a call at 5:30 p.m. by another parishioner saying that her husband has gone into diabetic shock and the paramedics are there now trying to revive him! yikes! you feel good that they called you right after the paramedics so you can come and be with them, but that is bad when the person who went into shock really needs to go to the hospital, but they are a grown human being and you can't make them do what they should do and you spend all night worrying if they will live through the night.

there are ups and downs.

sometimes though, what you get to do as a pastor is very, very special. you get to be there with them for surgeries, weddings, for honest conversations about very private things, for new babies and stuff like that.

sometimes you perform your call and you walk away glad that you could be there, but sometimes you walk away with a blessing that you never thought you would find in that private talk, hospital room, or home visit.

sometimes when you go to them and it is just you and them, one on one... they talk to you and say things they wouldn't say in front of their spouse, family, friends, or co-workers... they let you glimpse a very private part of their lives that maybe nobody has ever seen before, and you get to see it and talk with them about it. when it is happening you are aware of it and you feel like the ground beneath your feet is holy and you have a sense in which you think you should remove your shoes because this is truly holy ground. the air around you seems to change and your eyes are locked into their eyes and you can meet their gaze because The Spirit gives you the power to be sensitive at that very moment. it gives you the power to know that right at that moment it is all about them, and not about you or anybody else. if you are smart and listen to The Spirit you keep your mouth shut and just listen, i mean really listen.

when a miracle, and i believe it is a miracle, like that happens you just want to say let's stop and take off our shoes, because right now this moment is so holy that it almost seems disrespectful not to.

Monday, August 6, 2007

i'm back

i'm back after a couple of days of down time. our anniversary weekend was GREAT! we had lot's of fun. we went to the clinton library, the old statehouse, we went to see the 3rd in the series of the "bourne" movies (which was freakin' awesome!), we ate at great restaurants, and we even did a little shopping. since this was in celebration of our 10 year anniversary i bought regina a ring that wraps around her engagement ring... i don't even know what you call that... i just told regina that she could spend a certain amount and i let her pick it out and stuff.


i am kind of a "bible collector", i like to have several different translations of the bible, plus i also like to have the same bible translation in different bindings ( hardcover, softcover, leather, paperback, big, small... you get the idea).

so, as an anniversary gift to me regina bought me a new copy of "the message". even though i already have one that i use for sermon preparation i was hoping to get another one to be my own "personal" use... you know one i could carry with me, write in, make notes in, etc... and then i could keep the one for sermon prep at my office. it is the perfect size, it is 1 x 4-1/4 x 6-1/8". it is small enough to carry without it being to bulky and the font is a good readable size! this is what it look's like:

i love my new copy of the message, thank you baby.

Friday, August 3, 2007

out o' pocket

i will be out of pocket until sunday afternoon... going out of town for me and my wife's 10 year anniversary! two and a half days with no kids, no cooking, no housework, no responsibilities, no preaching, no pastoring, nada, zilch, zero! if you read this queen bee, i love you and i hope we have 60 more together. talk to you all on sunday afternoon/evening! maybe i will post some pics and commentary on our mini-vacation. adios.

friday's feast 02


On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you?

i would say that i was a... 9. i am pretty polite most of the time, i might not be as polite if i had a really bad day... but i am always polite to chashiers, waiters-waitresses, sales people in stores, drive-thru's, etc... ; i am always polite to those folks no matter how bad of a day i have had. i was a waiter once and a cashier and i know that they have tough jobs dealing with the public. my mom is a total b***h to most of those folks and it irritates the crap out of me!


What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

watching my kids jump on their beds and sing songs about shaking their booty, that was this morning... it was funny. i love my kids, they are awesome!


Who is your favorite cartoon character?

probably cosmo on "fairly odd parents", he is sooooo funny and i love his "humor"!

Main Course

Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had.

her name was ms. williams... she was my 7th grade math and sociology teacher... she was funny and a great teacher... and became a good friend during that time because of course in 7th grade everything was DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA... everything was huge and life changing/threatening!


Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that world poverty/disease is not taken seriously in the united states.

happy friday's feast everybody!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

finish what you started!

-i don't know about you but i have a hard time finishing stuff that i start. now obviously when i start a sermon for sunday i have to finish it because i am the preacher! what i am specifically referring to is personal devotions. now if you are a christian you know that word and what it means. to those who might not have any contact with the christian faith it is just something that you read/listen to... usually pertaining to some scripture from the bible or somebody writing/talking about some scripture from the bible and how it applies to you in everyday life.

well, i have started probably like a hundred devotionals of some sort in my journey with christ... and usually i get bored with them in a week or two. so, that means i have tried a lot of devotionals but have not finished any of them.

the reason i am writing this piece is to proclaim that recently i finished two (that's right count em', two!) devotionals all the way through from start to finish! wooohooo!

the first one i finished (which i went back and did it all the way through once more!) was the "practice of the presence of god" by a monk called brother lawrence.

here is a link where you can download the "practice of the presence of god" in pdf format (don't worry, it's free!)

i highly recommend this book, even if you are not roman catholic, i still recommend it... there is much to learn from this humble monk who spent most his life cooking and washing dishes for the brothers in his order. i learned a lot from this monk and you might also. it is a collection of letters, so they are all short and easy to read... hence that is why it makes a great devotional. short and sweet.

-alright, the other thing i have been reading is the collection of writings in the bible known as "proverbs"... even if you are not a christian you probably at least knew that there was a part of the bible called "proverbs". i have been reading them in a translation (depending on your opinion you might call this a paraphrase) called "the message" by eugene h. peterson. most people read proverbs because there are 31 of them and it makes for a convenient "one-a-day" reading. after reading all of these i found a lot that i liked and inspired me, but the one that inspired me the most was this one, it is from proverbs 30:

"...And then he [the believer] prayed, "God, I'm asking for two things
before I die; don't refuse me—
Banish lies from my lips
and liars from my presence.
Give me enough food to live on,
neither too much nor too little.
If I'm too full, I might get independent,
saying, 'God? Who needs him?'
If I'm poor, I might steal
and dishonor the name of my God."

The Message (MSG)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson

i am not exactly sure why i like it so much, but i do know that the prayers found in this text is something that would be a good thing to pray no matter what faith tradition you come from and the principles from brother lawrence wouldn't hurt anyone either.