Sunday, August 12, 2007

one good post, from back in the day

i just want to link to something that "real live preacher" wrote back in 2005. i have been reading his blog since about 2004. this is by far one of my favorite blog entries ever... after you read the specific post that i am referring to then i invite you to read some of his other stuff... enjoy:

this is the link to the specific post called, "martin luther, diet coke and canned soup" (read this first).

this is the link to his main page

but, i would love for you to read the "martin luther" post and leave a comment on how you liked it or if you just want to comment on something else from his blog.

1 comment:

Ginafish said...

rlp has a great blog. I see how cans of soup and not washing is a fun read. And I see how many years ago they relied more on God than themselves, because they had no choice or hope in anything else. That's why the poor have greater faith I think, b/c they have nothing else.