Wednesday, August 15, 2007

time carried away, now lost

the other day i was driving to the church and i was thinking about my kids. ginafish and i have 2 children, “E” (boy) who will be seven in september and “S” (girl) who will be 5 in december.

i know that over the years i have improved as a father, but i am far from perfect. i was thinking about time lost.

when E was about 4 i was very, very involved with another church (not the one we are at now), i was serving as an elder, youth committee chair and “youth pastor”… (i put that in quotes because this congregation did not have a youth pastor and i thought i could be one and work a 40 hour a week job on top of all of that.)

well, i thought right… i was able to work 40 hours and attend youth meetings every two weeks, teach on sunday nights, and attend/chaperone every single youth event that we had. the only reason that i was able to do all of these things was not because God supernaturally filled me with the Grace to get it all done. it was because i ignored my family. E was at that age where daddy is the greatest person in the world, daddy is the coolest and no matter what me and daddy do together we always have a good time. the problem was: i missed it. i didn’t know that was happening because I was so damn “busy” doing church work… not the Lord’s work, the church’s work… there is a difference.

and now i try hard (i could try harder i admit) to make it up to E, but i can’t. no matter what. i can’t do enough to make up for that. i love my children so much, and i have learned an important lesson from that and will not make the exact same mistake again. i know that God has forgiven me for not being there… he knows i have asked many times… i know that E has forgiven me, i know my wife has forgiven me, but now it is me who won’t forgive, myself that is.

maybe some day E and S will read this blog to see how my life was and to learn more about me and if they do i want to say:

i love you E and i love you S. forgive me for not being the dad i could have been… maybe if you have kids of your own you will understand and not make the same mistake i did.

1 comment:

Ginafish said...

Yes, we all forgave you a long time ago.

Now you need to describe the difference between 'church work' and 'God's work' since for some the line is sooo thin. Helping at the food bank some days is one, some days it's the do you discern when it's which?