Monday, August 6, 2007

i'm back

i'm back after a couple of days of down time. our anniversary weekend was GREAT! we had lot's of fun. we went to the clinton library, the old statehouse, we went to see the 3rd in the series of the "bourne" movies (which was freakin' awesome!), we ate at great restaurants, and we even did a little shopping. since this was in celebration of our 10 year anniversary i bought regina a ring that wraps around her engagement ring... i don't even know what you call that... i just told regina that she could spend a certain amount and i let her pick it out and stuff.


i am kind of a "bible collector", i like to have several different translations of the bible, plus i also like to have the same bible translation in different bindings ( hardcover, softcover, leather, paperback, big, small... you get the idea).

so, as an anniversary gift to me regina bought me a new copy of "the message". even though i already have one that i use for sermon preparation i was hoping to get another one to be my own "personal" use... you know one i could carry with me, write in, make notes in, etc... and then i could keep the one for sermon prep at my office. it is the perfect size, it is 1 x 4-1/4 x 6-1/8". it is small enough to carry without it being to bulky and the font is a good readable size! this is what it look's like:

i love my new copy of the message, thank you baby.


Ginafish said...

You are welcome! Yes, I posted a picture of my anniversary family wrap somewhere. I'll find a link for you. :)

Ginafish said...

Here's a picture of it, it has the family's birthstones Feb, March, Sept, and Dec. :)